Sunday, October 27, 2013

Spoils of an Artistic Education

Well there has been too much going on that the upkeep on this virtual apartment has been drab. Although on the upside the work seems to be moving in another direction...

Monday, November 19, 2012

Here is my new piece that I have been slaving over for the past month. Finally complete and ready for exhibiting. Finding this object in a barn at ten o'clock at night while my girlfriend sleeps patiently in the car waiting for my return from the hunt. So excited over what this object was or is kept me at a full tank driving forward into the intuitive process of finding the objects voice.

Bracelets of Omega Design

Here are some different variations of the Omega design, utilizing other metals like brass and copper as the focal metal.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

"Omega and Infinity Necktie

Here is my own design of the typical necktie with a little chainmail twist. The necktie is Hand made, hand forged,hand cut jump rings out of Steel wire, Sterling wire, Brass wire, Clock Key, Forged Fork Prongs drilled and rivited, with cotton covered electrical cord to fit around the neck.

Monday, May 28, 2012

While I was house and dog sitting I stumbled upon this old post with some barbed wire attached all grown into a near by tree. Realizing the wire's potential I quickly cut the wire off the post. Having the barbs still on I had to remove them and untwist the two strands. Afterwards I straightened the wire and then colied it into various size rings, cut them, and started playing with design of line and shape. Once together I will give these rusted rings a good polishing. I am using also a animal trap chain, bronze and brass wire, fork prong, and tea kettle chain to accent these rusted chains.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Here is a piece that was commissioned for my girlfriend. Most of the objects used were some of her own collection, so with a little collaboration we were able to come to a end result. So here it is