Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Here is a piece that was commissioned for my girlfriend. Most of the objects used were some of her own collection, so with a little collaboration we were able to come to a end result. So here it is


  1. Dude, that’s lovely. Might you or your beloved have a pic of the focal as it was before you assembled the necklace?

    I can pick out the steel and copper (looks like both patinated and
    raw in there—v cool!), but would love to know more about the focal
    material(s) and treatment.

    1. A small flower set into resin, with loose rose petals inside that move around the center.

  2. I think all of the creations are wonderful........very talented hands!!!!!!! I am forwarding your blog address to Mark in Memphis- (jeweler from the flea market) I talked to him yesterday!!!!!! Which one was picked out for me?????
